Faculty Senate
About UsThe St. Philip’s College Faculty Senate is a body of elected representatives presenting faculty perspectives and making appropriate college and district policy recommendations. Our recommendations are directed to the President of St. Philip’s College, the Alamo Colleges District Administration, and the Board of Trustees. The Senate seeks collaboration through representation on College and District governance committees. Our PurposeThe purpose of the Faculty Senate is to present the views and recommendations of the college faculty regarding policies on academic and professional matters to the administration and the Board of Trustees of the Alamo Colleges District. The senatorial electorate includes full-time tenured/tenure track faculty of St. Philip’s College elected by the faculty at large. We conduct regular monthly meetings at either the MLK Campus or the SWC Campus. These meetings are open to faculty, students, and the SPC community. |
Suggestion BoxThank you for taking the time to make a suggestion for our Faculty Senate. This form is anonymous but please feel free to leave your name and contact information so that we may contact you for further information. |
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Faculty of the MonthThe Faculty of the Month award is intended to recognize full-time faculty that have demonstrated excellence in service to the students, college, teaching discipline, and/or community. QualificationsFaculty members must meet the following qualifications in order for their nomination to be considered for the Faculty of the Month award.
Then nominate that person today! For more about SPC's Faculty of the Month, visit our AlamoShare site (Login required). |
This constitution governs the St. Philip's College Faculty Senate.
SPC Faculty Senate encourages faculty to join in on our meetings. Meetings will be announced via email and meeting agendas and minutes will be located on our Alamo Share site.
Cindy Katz
ckatz@alamo.eduVice President:
Christopher Davis
cdavis192@alamo.eduRecording Secretary:
Kelli Wilder
kwilder6@alamo.eduCommunication Secretary:
Cynthia Dinsmore
Jessica Lopez
Jack Nawrock jnawrocik@alamo.eduTreasurer:
Matthew Hudock
mhudock@alamo.edu -
Mary Gentry
mgentry7@alamo.eduDavid Kisel
dkisel2@alamo.eduStacie Koonhow
sharris22@alamo.eduRenita Mitchell
rmitchell@alamo.eduCraig Overmiller
covermiller@alamo.eduBasu Panthi
bpanthi@alamo.eduAmy Quesenberry
along2@alamo.eduMargaret Richardson
mrichardson52@alamo.eduMeagan Sovine
msovine@alamo.eduGrayling Williams
gwilliams116@alamo.eduTyrell Williams