San Antonio College Architecture/Engineering Job Shadow Day

Since 2014, Job Shadow Day has been an annual event letting students engage with local architecture and engineering firms for real-world learning experiences that provide a first-hand look at what careers in their chosen profession will be like, and the skills and education necessary for success.

On the morning of Job Shadow Day, students leave in groups for tours of work sites and company offices around the city. During the tour the students will talk to architects and engineers about their careers.

Afterwards, students, architects, and engineers come together for a luncheon to talk about what was learned at  Job Shadow Day.

Since its creation, Job Shadow Day has been done in partnership with the architectural and engineering firm O’Connell Robertson. It has received additional support from the Alamo Colleges Foundation.


Benefits to students who participate in Job Shadow Day:

  • Gain real life experience outside of the classroom
  • Determine the skills needed to be successful in the workplace
  • Connect information learned in the curriculum to real life work problems
  • Get direct access to networking opportunities that could lead to potential work-study employment or an internship
  • Learn about organizational culture of firms to determine what would be a good fit for future employment
  • Evaluate fields where architects and engineers are employed to narrow down potential interest areas for job opportunities

Benefits for firms who participate in Job Shadow Day:

  • Receive the opportunity to showcase their firm to potential college interns and work-study students
  • Assist in the education of the next generation of architects and construction engineers
  • Facilitate students’ understanding of how classroom learning is applied in the workplace

Past article on Job Shadow Day

Field Study: SAC Students Get a Close Look at Architecture and Engineering Professions:

For more information contact:

Dwayne Bohuslav
Program Coordinator for Architecture

Dr. Henry Griffith
Engineering Department Chair