Programs and Resources

The Eastside Education and Training Center offers a wide variety of programs and resources to serve the Eastside community. We are proud to partner with organizations to bring resources that best benefit the Eastside of San Antonio.

Classes and Resources

Continuing Education

Continuing Education 


The Alamo Colleges Continuing Education (CE) Division offers Accelerated Industry Skills Training for Job and Educational Advancement. Back to School in Your Backyard. 

CEWebsite     View Schedule

Adult Education

Adult Education

Adult Education.png

All students of the Adult Education High School Equivalency (GED®) program must complete an Interest Form (see link below). Once you have completed the form, the Adult Education staff will follow up with you on your next steps. Follow-ups with include important updates and other information that will assist you in making decisions to pursue your GED® and other academic / career goals.

Adult Education Website High School Equivalency (GED)
SA Ready To Work




Ready to Work is a free educational and job placement program that enables you to build the life you want by providing the training and/or certifications needed to secure a higher-paying job. 


  • San Antonio resident – Check your residency »
  • 18 years or older when applying for the program
  • Permitted to work in the US
  • Annual household income is less than 250% of the federal poverty guidelines »
  • Willing to take assessments related to barriers, academics, skills aptitude, and workplace readiness
  • Committed to completing the program

Visit Our Website

Business Resources

Skills for Small Business

Skills for Small Business


Alamo Colleges District is a proud partner of the TWC Skills for Small Business Grant. Through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Skills for Small Business program, up to $2 million from the Skills Development Fund is dedicated to the backbone of Texas' business community—our small employers. Small businesses can apply to TWC for training offered by Alamo Colleges District. TWC processes the applications and works with the college to fund the specific courses selected by businesses for their employees.

Learn More

Onsite Partners 

Stand Up SA
City of San Antonio Metro Health Dept. Stand Up SA aims to reduce the occurrence of violence by:
  • Interrupting the direct transmission and spread of violence.
  • Identifying and changing the mindset of potential perpetrators.
  • Changing community norms regarding violence.

Deploys effective staff members in target communities to identify conflicts and enlist individuals to interrupt the circle of violence.
Efforts also focus on enrolling high-risk youth into a case management program that connects those at-risk individuals with relevant and effective resources, services, and support groups within the community.
The main focus is to reduce gun violence and to convince communities to stand up against violence. 
Telephone: 210-207-8780

Visit their Website

Dual Generation
The Dual Generation Initiative is an unprecedented community-wide solution that coordinates the expertise of its partners who bring decades of experience serving children and families to help them find safe housing, education, child care and employment. We are creating hope by removing barriers and enabling families to achieve greater stability and success.

Visit their Website

Goodwill Reentry Services

Goodwill Reentry Services understands the unique challenges individuals face when reentering into society after being incarcerated, from reconnecting with family to finding employment.

We provide training and the supports needed to attain employment, make a living wage and avoid re-incarceration.

Visit their Website

Each One Teach One
Each One Teach One is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of adults by improving their literacy skills. We provide FREE one-on-one and small-group tutoring to adults residing in San Antonio and neighboring cities in GED® preparation, English as a Second Language (ESL), and basic reading, writing, and math.

Visit their Website