General Information
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Tuition and Fees | Payment Policies and Regulations | Student Responsibilities and Support |
Three-Peat Tuition Costs
Due to state legislation passed in Spring 2005 (HB994, Sec3), the Alamo Colleges will no longer be reimbursed by the state for courses taken by students who have attempted the same course three or more times previously (which includes courses taken that result in a grade of "W").
Therefore, the tuition for such a "three-peat" course will be the current cost for out-of-state tuition.
Testing Fees
Testing Fees can be paid online using our Alamo Colleges Marketplace Mall. Payments accepted through Market Place Mall are MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover and electronic check. Please visit the Testing Department Website before you go online* and make a payment.
*See Steps to Pay for Testing Online
Student Support Service Fee
All students in the Alamo Colleges District pay a Student Support Service Fee, which also covers parking at any of the Alamo Colleges District campuses, off-site locations or district offices. No sticker or decal is distributed.
For students, the fee of $25 per semester is included when they pay their tuition and fees each semester, with the maximum fee paid not to exceed $50 per year.
On October 20, 2020, the Board of Trustees approved to rename the Campus Access Fee as “Student Support Services Fee” to clarify what costs this fee is intended to cover.
Renaming the fee as “Student Support Service Fee” more accurately describes what the fee covers.
On May 21, 2013, the Board of Trustees approved the Campus Access Fee/charge for Students. Students pay a maximum of $50 per year as a Campus Access Fee.
The “Student Support Services Fee” formerly, Campus Access Fee was established to cover technology infrastructure, student support services, VIA passes and parking.
Student Processing Fee
New student flat fee of $100.00 for transfer and visiting students (transient) in first semester of attendance.
International Education Fee
Implementation of $1.00 per-student, per-semester International Education Fee for a Study Abroad Scholarship Program effective FY2018.
The Board approved the implementation of $1 per-student, per-semester International Education Fee to support study abroad scholarship program effective FY 2018 for the purposes of providing scholarship opportunities for all students to engage in International Education programs.
Campus Access Fee
All students in the Alamo Colleges District pay a Campus Access Fee which also covers parking at any of the Alamo Colleges District campuses, off-site locations or district offices. No sticker or decal is distributed.
For students, the fee of $25 per semester is included when they pay their tuition and fees each semester, with the maximum fee paid not to exceed $50 per year.
Late Payments and Failure to Pay
You are responsible to make payments by the tuition payment plan deadlines. If you fail to pay on or before the payment due date, you may incur a $10 Late Fee for each late payment.
Failure to make full payment by the final payment deadline may result in the account being sent to one of the Alamo Colleges District 3rd Party Collection Agencies.
Students are responsible to pay 100% for the cost of principal plus any collection costs if the account becomes delinquent, such as legal fees, attorney fees, etc., associated with the collection of your account. A student hold is also placed on your record until the debt is paid.
Note: Dropping a class or withdrawing does not cancel your financial obligation to the college.
Refund to Credit Cards
Credit card payments can be used to pay tuition and fees.
If a student drops a class that results in a credit, the College Business Offices will refund the credit card used. Credit card adjustments are done weekly.
Please allow 10 – 15 business days for completion of the adjustment.
Check Regulations
The Alamo Colleges reserves the right to convert a personal check into an ACH.
During the acceptance of a personal check, the storefront discloses a statement that all personal checks will be converted into ACH transactions and will be processed electronically.
In addition, the receipt provides written notice of this disclosure.
Returned Check PolicyImmediate restitution of funds must be made when a check is returned by a bank for any reason. The Alamo Colleges reserves the right to convert a returned check into an ACH. In addition, the district will charge a $35.00 administrative fee for all returned check items. It is discouraged to use a personal check to pay for a return check. In the event a returned check is not paid by the end of the semester grading period, the account becomes delinquent and consequently will be released to one of the external collection agencies. Any fees assessed by the agency will be the responsibility of the student. |
Stop PaymentStopping payment on a tuition check does not constitute an official withdrawal from the college and will be considered an NSF item. Official withdrawals must be processed through the Office of Admissions and Records. |
Third-Party Information
Alamo Colleges District students who are being sponsored by an employer or government agency can participate in Alamo Colleges District’s approved third-party billing service. The 3rd-party sponsorship documentation is provided by your employer or government agency.
Please visit your Campus Business Office in person or email to submit your documents.
Documentation must be received by 5 p.m. on the payment deadlines for processing, and to avoid being dropped for non-payment. See Academic & Registration and Payment calendars at: .
Third-Party Sponsorships
Third-party sponsorship is a payment agreement between the college and an outside organization that is sponsoring a student.
The sponsor takes responsibility for all or partial payment of the costs of attending college, such as tuition and fees. Note: Individuals, parents, and other relatives are not eligible to act as sponsors.
Third-Party Billing
The Alamo Colleges District will bill a Third-Party organization (i.e. outside agency, corporation, or State Prepaid Plan) that agrees through a Contractual Agreement to pay directly to the Alamo Colleges District all or part of student tuition and fees.
Tuition reimbursement or 529 Plans are not considered third party billing since these benefits are generally either grade dependent and/or paid directly to the student.
Third Party Billing will be considered last dollar meaning it can cover tuition and fees, after all other financial aid resources have been awarded in most cases.
Student Holds
A student hold may prevent you from registering for classes, receive grades, request transcripts, take final examinations, or receive any other information.
Allow up to 24 hours for a student hold to be removed from your record after you have made payment in full.
View your student holds in your ACES Login and select the following:
- Web Services
- Student
- Student Records
- View Holds
Exemptions & Waivers
An exemption or a waiver is a payment of all or part of a student's tuition and fee bill.
Effective Fall 2014, Senate Bill 1210 (83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session) adds a 2.0 Grade Point Average requirement for persons to receive continuation award through the program (commonly referred to as SB1210). View SB1210 Form (ACES Login Required).
The Bill also establishes a Limit to the Total Number of Hours, cumulative, that a student may take and continue to receive awards through the program.
The provisions of this statute, found in TEC Chapter 54, Subchapter D, retroactively applied an excess hours’ limitation and Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement to Exemption and Waiver programs: Texas Education Code: TEC 54.014; additional reference: Exemptions and Waivers - THECB.
Texas offers various programs that exempt or waive tuition, fees, and other expenses related to attending public institutions of higher education.
Programs offered can be mandatory which requires participation while others are optional.
- Exemptions: allow special groups of Texas residents or nonresidents to enroll and pay a reduced amount of tuition or fees.
- Waivers: allow special groups of nonresidents to enroll and pay a reduced nonresident tuition rate.
All exemption or waiver programs, whether mandatory or optional, apply only to courses for which an institution can receive formula funding.
Formula Funding: is defined as the method used to allocate appropriated sources of funds among institutions of higher education.
Formula-funded courses are those that do not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover their costs.
* Military Support Services was created to attend to the needs of our Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Service members and their dependents in the San Antonio area, and abroad. The department assists those interested in attending and of the Alamo Colleges and those students already attending or admitted. |
** For Enrollment in High School Programs, please visit: |
Selective Service Requirement
Texas Education Code Section 51.9095 requires all males between the ages of 18 and 25 who receive a state-funded waiver or exemption to be registered with Selective Service.
For additional information on Selective Service requirements or to verify your registration status:
Visit the Selective Service System Website
Authorized Users
Give others (parents, employers, etc.) the ability to access your student account information and make payments.
In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), your student financial records may not be shared with a third party without your written consent.
Adding an authorized user is your written consent that an individual may view your account information and make payments on your behalf.
Authorized users DO NOT have access to your stored payment methods, academic records, or other personal information. You are still responsible for any amounts not paid and any late fees incurred.
Add/Remove an authorized user by logging into ACES and selecting the following:
- Web Services
- Student
- Student Account
- Make a Payment
- Select Virtual Business Office (Online Payments)
Authorize users to view billing statements, account activity, payment history and 1098-T tax statements, by making the following selections:
- Authorized Users
- Add Authorized User
- Provide the user’s email address
- Select “Yes” or "No"
- Would you like to allow this person to view your billing statement and account activity?
- Would you like to allow this person to view your 1098-T tax statement?
- Would you like to allow this person to view your payment history and account activity?
- Add User
- Read the agreement and check the “I Agree” box
- The authorized user will receive an email with instructions on how to log on and view/make payments. Authorized users have their own login ID’s and passwords. Use the “Action” icon to Edit, Delete or Show Agreement for each authorized user.