Mom’s Affordable College Path Paves Way to Success

November 21, 2023

District Communications

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As a single mother pursuing a degree, Shay was shocked when the first bill from her for-profit university arrived. Having sticker shock was not what she expected when she decided to further her education.

“I thought there would be more scholarships, but I wasn’t really getting any aid,” Shay said.

This unexpected hurdle led her to explore alternative options, and that's when she discovered the Alamo Colleges District. Ultimately, Shay decided to enroll at Northwest Vista College, a choice that would prove to be life-changing.

“I didn’t think I was going to do well, but my first professor said I did really, really well,” said Shay. “He was able to make me believe in myself.”

Pictured left to right: Dr. Mike Flores (Chancellor),
Leslie Sachanowicz (Trustee), Roberto Zárate (Trustee, Chair),
Shay Woodard, Dr. Yvonne Katz (Trustee)
and Clint Kingsbery (Trustee).

Although she found a nurturing academic environment and newfound confidence in her abilities, it was not all smooth sailing. Shay’s family faced unexpected loss, and she had to figure out how to balance the demands of parenthood and providing for her family.

Fortunately, Shay found out that NVC provides assistance beyond the classroom that was made for students like her. She connected with the college Advocacy Center, where she received free virtual counseling. Moreover, they introduced her to the San Antonio Food Bank Navigators, helping her access federal resources available to parenting students. In seeking help, Shay discovered that having the right support systems can lead to better self-confidence.

“I have access to way more resources going to Alamo Colleges than I did going to my previous college, and for a fraction of the price,” Shay said. “I love myself for seeking things out in my time of need. Alamo Colleges has provided so, so much for me. From clothes, food, baby formula, resources, leadership skills – and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to learn more than I ever could have imagined.”

Beyond her academic journey, Shay became actively involved in various student groups, including the Student Leadership Institute, Student District Council, and theater.


Shay plans to graduate in 2024 and intends to transfer to the University of the Incarnate Word. The two years spent attending Northwest Vista College have transformed her outlook on life. Where she once saw roadblocks, she now sees opportunity. Shay envisions a life of entrepreneurship and dreams of helping others become business owners or pursuing a career in the arts. Above all, her primary goal is to provide a stable and prosperous lifestyle for her children.

“I should be able to take care of them financially,” Shay said. “If I don’t have enough credentials, I’ll keep going until I do.”

Shay's inspiring journey demonstrates that, as a parenting student, pursuing higher education can be both affordable and empowering, opening doors to a world of possibilities and success.

“Although I faced some setbacks, I did persist… The choice to get back up was most important,” Shay said. “Those setbacks motivated me to strive further. In the future, I can look back at how far I’ve come. No matter what happens to me, I’ll always strive for better because the possibilities are limitless.”