Grievance Forms
The Grievance Procedures define an administrative process in which students, faculty, and academic employees can seek a resolution of their disputes. These disputes may be academic or non-academic.
All Students Including Online:
All faculty including Online faculty are responsible for online classroom management and teaching strategies. If a situation occurs in which a student believes that they have been treated unfairly by an instructor, the student may require intervention using the academic grievance process.
Faculty are responsible for classroom management, teaching strategies, testing, and evaluation of student performance. At academic institutions, conflicts may develop within the educational process that requires academic intervention using the Academic Grievance process. If the grievance process is to function smoothly, a serious effort must be made to resolve such conflicts expeditiously. When student complaints cannot be resolved through informal interaction with a faculty member or chair/coordinator, students are directed to use the Academic Grievance procedure.
Academic Grievance Policies and Procedures are outlined as follows: