How to Register for a CLEP Exam:
- Speak with an advisor to discuss if CLEP is right for you and to determine which CLEP exam offerings best fit your needs.
- Register for and pruchase your desired CLEP exam through the CLEP website at Each exam costs $89, choose Northeast Lakeview College as your test site.
- Schedule your CLEP exam appointment online. You will receive a confirmation email with appointment details and testing information.
- Pay the $20 NLC CLEP resgistration test fee through the Alamo Colleges Distrct Marketplace Mall, a link and instructions will be provided in your confirmation email.
The Day of the Exam:
You will need the following items to check-in for your exam appointment:
- Valid government issued picture ID. This includes a driver's license, state issued identification card, passport, tribal ID, naturalization card, or certificate of citizenship.
- CLEP Exam registration ticket. This will be issued to you via email by the College Board once you register and pay for your exam.
- Receipt of payment of NLC CLEP registration test fee. A copy of your receipt will be emailed to you once you pay online.
After completion of CLEP exam your score report will be available within 24 hours in your College Board via My Account.
Re-Test Policy:
Test takers may not repeat an exam of the same title within three months of the initial testing date.
Obtaining CLEP Transcripts:
All CLEP exam registrations come with a free score send, which must be used when you register. However, if you don’t select a score recipient institution during registration or you wish to send your scores to additional institutions, you can request official CLEP transcripts for exams via My Account through a secure online checkout process. These additional score reports can be ordered for a fee of $20 per score recipient.
There are three ways to request a transcript in My Account:
- Click on "Request a Transcript" in the dropdown menu under My CLEP Account.
- Click on MyAccount Overview, and you will see a link called “Request a Transcript.”
- Click on My CLEP Exam Scores, and scroll to the bottom of the page under Order Transcripts. Click on the “Transcript Request” link.
This cumulative transcript covers all the CLEP exams you've taken and the scores you earned in the last 20 years.