Career & Experiential Learning

Navigate your passion

The Career & Experiential Learning Team offers resources, events, and programs on-campus and off-campus to further the educational and career goals of students and alumni. Our navigators and staff can assist with:

  • Finding and preparing you for hands-on experiences related to your career path (e.g., employment, internships, volunteer work, etc.)

  • Guided Career Exploration Assessments

  • Developing personal and professional career readiness skills to help you succeed in your career path

Career Readiness and You

Career readiness is a foundation of skills and experiences that can help prepare a college student for success in the workplace post-graduation for lifelong career management.

What are the Types of Career Readiness Skills? According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), Communication, Teamwork, Critical Thinking, Leadership, Professionalism, Technology, Equity & Inclusion, and Career & Self-Development are eight key competencies that college graduates should have to ensure their successful entrance into the workforce.

Career and Experiential Learning

Rio Grande Building, Suite 112A
Campus Map

Hours of Operation

Mondays: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Walk-in times: 9 a.m.–12 p.m. and 1–5 p.m.
No appointments required

Tuesdays – Thursday: 8 a.m.– 6 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Appointment only

Students can get assistance with:

  • Career Exploration & Career Planning
  • Interview Preparation & Mock Interview
  • Job & Internship Search Tools
  • Resume & Cover Letter Review
  • Work-Study Career Development

Students may schedule with a navigator of their choice by using the Navigate Appointment Scheduler links below.

Photo of Karly Haines

Karly Haines
Certified Career Experience Navigator

Navigate Appointment Scheduler

Photo of Bryanna Noriega

Bryanna Noriega 
Certified Career Experience Navigator

Navigate Appointment Scheduler

Photo of Noe Garcia

Noe Garcia
Certified Career Experience Navigator

Navigate Appointment Scheduler


Photo of Leticia Longoria Fisher

Leticia Longoria Fisher
Grant Project Director, Project Listo

Photo of Leticia

Leticia De La Rosa
Director of Career Services

Kiana Pina

Kiana Piña
Career Experience Team Lead


What is experiential learning?

Experiential learning provides a real-world understanding that enhances academic success. It is the process of learning through experience, where students are actively involved in the experience, reflect on the activity, and apply the value of the experience to broader areas of life. Self-reflection empowers students to take charge of their own learning and make connections to launch their career journey.

PAC Student

Four categories of experiential learning




Activities related to course curriculum
Examples: Classroom-based learning projects, public speakers, panel discussions, research projects, and faculty-led study abroad


Number two


Activities that foster student involvement and strengthen the culture of the institution.
Examples: Student clubs and organizations, sports, student leadership, and study abroad


Number three


Field Experience
Hands-on workplace learning that directly relates to career application
Examples: Apprenticeships, internships, community/private sector work study, clinicals, field observations, and student teaching


Number four

Service Learning
Activities that combine learning objectives, teach civic responsibility, and meet the community’s needs
Examples: Volunteering with college advocacy centers, San Antonio Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, and other non-profit organizations


Why is experiential learning important?

A college degree or certificate often plays an essential role in achieving career goals, but the skills obtained through experiential learning can give students confidence in their career path and make an application stand out to potential employers.

Experiential learning can play a critical role in providing students with hands-on experience and personal reflection. The soft skills gained can also give them the marketable skills they need for employment after graduation.

Explore Opportunities

Through AlamoEXPERIENCE, students participate in experiential learning opportunities to supplement their classroom learning, develop their skills and build connections for their future careers. This portal allows students to capture their work, connect with people within the Alamo Colleges District, and build their resumes with the AlamoEXPERIENCE Transcript.

Log in with your ACES username and password.

Find Experiences





Faculty and Staff

Contact Information

Career & Experiential Learning Center


Rio Grande Building, Suite 112A