Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance (COA) is determined by the Office of Student Financial Services and is based on the average costs a student will incur during the academic year.

Included in the COA are average tuition and fee costs, a room and board allowance, books and supplies, transportation, and personal/miscellaneous expenses.

The actual cost will vary depending on whether a student chooses to live at home with their parents, or independently. Transportation costs will also vary depending on proximity to the campus and mode of transportation.


  • Tuition and Fees: The average cost of tuition and fees for a typical undergraduate student based on full-time or part-time enrollment. Full-time undergraduate = 30 hours per academic year; Part-time undergraduate = 18 hours per academic year.
  • Room and Board: A reasonable estimate of what it would cost to live in San Antonio while attending school. Actual costs may vary by individual choices related to location and circumstances.
  • Books and Supplies: The average cost of books and supplies for a typical student for an entire academic year.
  • Transportation: Average transportation expenses are based on an average 30 mile round trip to campus.
  • Personal and Miscellaneous: Average expenses are calculated based on potential expenses that students might incur such as personal computers, personal items or emergency expenses.


Net Calculator

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board provides a Net Price Calculator webpage to allow the general public the ability to access an estimated net price information for the institution they attend or plan to attend based on the user’s individual circumstances.

Net Price Calculator


Estimated Cost of Attendance Per Year 2021-2022