
The discipline of History at Northeast Lakeview College provides a comprehensive education in history and related areas. We offer courses ranging from ancient to modern history, including courses in American, European, and World History.  The discipline has a wide variety of faculty members who are experts in their fields and provide an excellent learning environment for students. We also provide resources such as textbooks, research materials, online databases, and archives to enhance the learning experience. The discipline of History at Northeast Lakeview College is dedicated to providing students with a solid foundation in the past while preparing them for the future.

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Department Information

Department Chair 
Jeff Hassmann, PhD 
Phone: (210) 486-5203
Academic (ACA1-201C)
email: jhassmann@alamo.edu 

Veronica Sauceda-Russell, Academic Unit Assistant
Social Science Division
Phone: (210) 486-5241
email:  vsauceda-russell@alamo.edu
Office: Salado Hall 201G

Full-Time Faculty

Jeff Hassmann, Ph.D.
Chairperson, Professor
Email: jhassmann@alamo.edu
Phone: (210) 486-5203
Office: Salado Hall 201C

Miya Hunter-Willis
Email: mhunter-willis@alamo.edu
Phone: (210) 486-5809
Office: Salado Hall 102A

Carmen Reyes-Johnson
Assistant Professor
Email: cjohnson5@alamo.edu
Phone: (210) 486-5205
Office: Salado Hall 102D