Michael McDowell

McDowell, Michael
Title: Professor of Philosophy
Department: BPT

About Michael McDowell

When I started college, I had the faint idea that because I had some success in journalism in high school, I should get a degree in journalism.  As a first-time college student, I wasn’t sure of the best path for me.  After realizing my professors ' impact on me and other students, I later determined I wanted to be a history professor.  My biggest problem was that while I wanted to be a college professor, I had a significant fear of public speaking, which slowed my journey.  I then took a circuitous route that would introduce me to the study of religion, theology, ethics, and philosophy.  I love all of these topics and settled on the philosophy of religion as a focal point. By the way, I overcame my fear of public speaking . . . by getting in the classroom and teaching.  The ONLY reason I moved ahead in my journey toward becoming a professor was because I had a mentor.  I needed someone who knew what they were “talking about,” told me the truth, and encouraged me to do great things. I am very grateful for his impact on my life.  If you would like someone like that to help you on your journey, maybe I can "pay it forward" to you.