Need Help Accessing Your Course?
I can't log into ACES.
I can log in to ACES, but the course does not appear under the "My Courses" tab.
I can log in to ACES, but when I click the course, I get “Unauthorized” or other error message.
I need help navigating my course or understanding where to start.
I am in a Math, Reading or English Developmental Education course (starts with a 0 like Math 0301) at the NLC campus and do not know how to use Canvas and MyLab.
I am in an online course that also uses a publisher's website. I need help with that site.
I am in a Math, Reading or English Developmental Education course (starts with a 0 like Math 0301) at the NLC campus and I am having technical issues with the MyLab portion of the course.
I can’t access BioSig-ID or have forgotten my BioSig-ID Password.
I need further assistance with a technical issue.