
Bosque Science Study Center 112


Whether you're tackling complex equations, molecular structures, or chemical reactions, our experienced tutors are here to guide you toward success.

Topic Hours
Chemistry, Microbiology, Physics

Mon-Thurs: 9:00 - 6:00 pm


Bosque Science Study Center 112


Explore the fascinating world of life sciences with interactive anatomy models. Our carefully chosen materials and expert guidance are here to help students succeed in even the most challenging of courses.

Topic Hours

Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Microbiology


Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

A&P Professor Tutoring

Join us weekly for expert-led reviews that enhance your understanding of coursework. Clarify doubts, tackle tough concepts, and collaborate with peers in a supportive environment.

On-campus A&P tutoring with A&P professors in the NLC Bosque Science Study Center (SCIN 112) will not be scheduled during the final week from May 6th through May 9th.

Professor Hours
Dr. Karla Kosub-Coronado


Dr. Dania Rossi


Dr. Jennifer Parrott