Four NLC Students Receive LULAC Scholarship

October 1, 2018


Northeast Lakeview College would like to recognize the following four students as recipients of the TOM MORTON SANDOVAL LULAC PARENT/CHILD SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM.

Abigail Cuevas

Kadian Allen

Marisa Moheit

Kristina Freres

Click on each recipient’s name for a photo of the student and their child. 



Participants selected for the program must enroll for the upcoming fall semester and commit to completing their educational objective, be the parent of a child age six or younger, have no more than 30 college level credit hours, meet Alamo Colleges Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


Parents Scholars selected for the scholarship receive a $1,000 scholarship, provided by the Alamo Colleges Foundation, to be distributed over four consecutive semesters to assist with their educational expenses.  Parents also receive one-on-one advisement, continuous monitoring of their progress and extensive supportive services provided by the San Antonio College Women’s Center.  Once the parent completes their stated educational objective (certificate, associate’s degree or first part of a transfer program), their child (2nd Gen Scholar) is entitled to a two year scholarship to attend any of the Alamo Colleges upon the child’s high school graduation.


To date, 258 Parent Scholars have completed the program, by earning either a certificate, associate’s degree or completing the first two years of a transfer program, and many more are on their way to completion. The first 2nd Generation scholarship was claimed in 2010 and to date, thirty-one children, have used it to attend an Alamo College. Data has indicated that program participants are twice as likely to complete their educational goal compared to non-participants.  The average cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of program participants in their first year of the program is 3.0 (based on a 4.0 scale), and fall to spring retention rates average 95%, higher than non-program participants.


In 1997, a partnership was formalized between the Alamo Colleges Foundationthe League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Council #2, and the San Antonio College Women’s Center to create the LULAC

Parent/Child Scholarship Program.

The program seeks to ensure the educational success of two generations by providing support, financial assistance and the incentive of a full scholarship for the child of a parent who completes their educational objective at an Alamo College.   Each year LULAC Council #2 donates $1,000 for the child of each participant selected to the program in order to establish an educational endowment on their behalf.

In 2007, the LULAC Parent/Child Program was selected to receive the prestigious STAR Award from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for its exceptional contributions toward closing one or more of the state’s gaps in student participation and success. In 2008, this program was selected as a finalist for the Excelencia in Education Award for increasing Latino college success.