Teach courses pertaining to mathematical concepts, statistics, and actuarial science and to the application of original and standardized mathematical techniques in solving specific problems and situations. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Jobs available locally 10,258 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $50,998 – $214,067 |
Teach one or more subjects to students at the middle, intermediate, or junior high school level.
Jobs available locally 4,971 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $52,272 – $73,475 |
Teach academic, social, and life skills to middle school students with learning, emotional, or physical disabilities. Includes teachers who specialize and work with students who are blind or have visual impairments; students who are deaf or have hearing impairments; and students with intellectual disabilities.
Jobs available locally 670 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $53,673 – $71,248 |
Program Level:
Math & Engineering
Science & Technology
Mathematics Useful Links Developmental Math Math Tutoring Labs
About the Program
Did you know not all college algebras are the same class? Did you know you may not even need college algebra for your major? We are here to help you find and complete your math path at Northwest Vista College! In our DE Math program, our dedicated math faculty builds and strengthens individual students’ math skills, so that they can succeed in college level math classes as well as other classes, which require the use of math. We love numbers, but with us, you are not a number—we understand that you are an individual who has a plan to graduate in a reasonable amount of time. We know how to help you finish your math requirements and meet your goals.
In the hopes of getting you into your college level classes more quickly, and with a unique approach to math advising, we offer something unique. We offer different paths for different majors.
We encourage you to speak with any of the math faculty to investigate which path is right for you.
Math Bill of Rights
- I have the right to learn at my own pace and not feel put down or stupid if I am slower than someone else.
- I have the right to ask whatever questions I have.
- I have the right to need extra help.
- I have the right to ask a teacher or tutor for help.
- I have the right to not understand.
- I have the right to say I do not understand.
- I have the right to feel good about myself regardless of my abilities in math.
- I have the right to view myself as capable of learning math.
- I have the right to evaluate my math instructors and how they teach.
- I have the right to relax.
- I have the right to be treated as a competent person.
- I have the right to dislike math.
- I have the right to define success in my own terms. Don’t wait to enroll in math classes. Get started now!
Math Resources
Test-taking Tips for Math http://www.testtakingtips.com/test/math.htm
- Formula Sheets and Charts
- Need a quick formula sheet for your math class?
- Need a quick formula sheet for your math class?
- Helpful Websites
- Some useful eternal websites to help with math
Contact UsEmail: Location: Phone: |
Terry Riojas Location: Phone: |
Wesley Anderson Location: Phone: |
Robert Carrillo Location: Phone: |