Kimberly Grenadier

Grenadier, Kimberly
Title: Faculty, Art
Department: Fine & Performing Arts
Office: PCA 105L
Phone: 210-486-4621 Ext: 64621

About Kimberly Grenadier

Institute:  Creative & Communication Arts


PhD Fine Arts: Artistic Practice and Critical Studies
Texas Tech University

MA Art History; Area of Focus Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage
Florida State University

B.A. Art History, Minor History
Texas Tech University


I won't be able to give much guidance in the area of math or some science degrees as I have little experience with it (outside of engineering and medicine)


Received numerous awards that include selection for the 2011 Texas Biennial, curated by Virgina Rudledge and is a 2013 Idea Fund recipient. Has also exhibited throughout Texas as well as in Mexico, Canada and Austria.


I am the resident art historian in FPAK. I earned my BA in Art History from Texas Tech University, my MA in Art History from Florida State University, and my PhD in Fine Arts: Artistic Practice and Critical Studies from Texas Tech University. I spent a lot of time in higher education, in part, because I love learning and being in a school environment! I am an avid reader and am currently in two different book clubs. I try to read around 100 books a year. However, the most important things in my life/about are my family. I have a wonderful husband, daughter, and dog. My daughter is officially a toddler now and always on the go. My dog is a rescue greyhound and is always napping. My office door is always open to students to come talk about their goals or even chat about books.