Dr. Catherine Phillips

Phillips, Dr. Catherine
Title: Axxociate Professor | Psychology
Department: Social Sciences
Office: LOH 306C
Phone: 210-486-4733 Ext: 64733

About Dr. Catherine Phillips

Institute:  Science & Technology


Ph.D. | Philosophy in Psychology (brain and cognitive sciences) | University of Calgary

M.S. | Psychology (specialization behavioural neuroscience) | University of Calgary

B.S. | Psychology with a Biology Concentration | University of British Columbia - Okanagan


Psychology students


I am a Canadian/American/Italian who moved from Canada to join the Psychology department at Northwest Vista College in 2016.


I strive to create a culture of caring on my campus and in my community, and one of the main ways that I do this is through mentorship. One of my goals while mentoring is to increase the sense of belonging and connection felt by the mentee. And in connecting with them, I would like to reduce their intimidation and fear of the institution of higher education and to improve their likelihood of academic success and degree completion.

I completed my Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan Campus. Both my Masters (Psychology: Behavioural Neuroscience) and my PhD (Psychology: Brain and Cognitive Sciences) were completed at the University of Calgary. I currently teach biological psychology, and statistical methods – psychology; in the past I’ve also taught general psychology, child psychology, cognitive development, cognitive psychology, and design and analysis in psychological research. Teaching and learning are two of my passions, and I aim to inspire lifelong learning and help develop critical thinking skills in my students. I have a daughter and 2 cats. In my spare time I love to spend time with family and friends – and craft all the things (knit, spin, crochet, and sew).