• Do you owe a balance from a previous semester?

    You might qualify for a Financial Fresh Start!

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Transfer and Former Students

Welcome to Northwest Vista College! We are excited to have you join us as one of our newest Transfer students. If you are returning to NVC, welcome back!



View Application and Enrollment Steps

Ready to apply to NVC? Learn more about the application and enrollment process.

Vista Central: Welcome Center

Interested in learning more about NVC? Take a virtual tour of the college and find an interactive map of the campus.

How To Register?

Completed all of your enrollment steps? Visit or contact our Admissions office to talk about next steps.

Contact an Enrollment Coach

Need help with your enrollment process? Contact an Enrollment Coach who can guide you through the process.

Transcript and Grade Policies

Do you have questions about transferring credits to NVC? Learn about acceptable grades, accredited institutions, and comparable courses.

Transfer Advising Guides

Students interested in transferring to a four-year university to complete a bachelor's degree can use our Transfer Advising Guides to help them determine the right courses.


Academic Dismissal Process

Unsure of your academic standing? Incoming transfer and returning students who have been placed on Academic Dismissal at their previous institution may need to complete a petition process.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals

Students using financial aid must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. Students who have been placed on Financial Aid Suspension will need to submit an appeal to have their aid reinstated.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Click on each tab below for more information about deadlines and NVC policies.