Application And Enrollment Steps for Transfer and Former Students

Thank you for your interest in transferring to Northwest Vista College. Below are the enrollment steps and helpful information on NVC’s transfer and grade policies.

Former Students: Previous NVC students who have not attended class for more than 1 year (3 semesters) will need to reapply and complete any applicable enrollment steps prior to registering for classes. 

Students who need assistance with or have questions about the enrollment process are encouraged to contact or visit the Vista Central: Admissions Office. You may speak with an enrollment advisor or use our computer lab to complete your enrollment steps.

 Helpful Tips

  • The enrollment process can take 3-4 weeks from completion of an application through registration. 

Transfer and Former Students

Below are the steps to enroll in classes at Northwest Vista College. Transfer students must attend Wildcat Orientation. Download our enrollment checklist or click each item below for additional information. Contact Vista Central: Admissions with any questions.

Download the Enrollment Checklist

Application and Enrollment Steps

All students will submit an application through ApplyTexas. Please allow five business days for processing. Once your application is processed, you will receive two emails – a confirmation from ApplyTexas and an email from NVC with instructions on accessing your student portal called ACES.

If you have not received a confirmation email from the Alamo Colleges District after 5 business days, please contact Vista Central and an enrollment advisor can assist you with checking your status and obtaining your ACES credentials.

Submit your ApplyTexas application


Important Dates and Deadlines

Click on each tab below for more information about deadlines and NVC policies.