Compassion Beads

for focus and prayer

The San Antonio Peace Center’s Compassion Beads: A gentle guide to inner peace.

About the Beads
These beautiful beads guide you on a path towards love, starting with compassion, each representing a virtue:

  • Compassion
  • Dignity
  • Equanimity
  • Forgiveness
  • Gratitude
  • Humility
  • Integrity
  • Justice
  • Kindness
  • Love

More than just a physical reminder, they offer a tangible way to hold peace and compassion in your hands. A golden bead at the end of the 10 words is a reminder of the Golden Rule: treat others and the planet as you wish to be treated.

Whether carried in your pocket or used in quiet moments, these beads offer a comforting way to cultivate a loving heart.

About the Designer
The Compassion Beads represent a 10-bead repetition of the alphabetical mnemonic designed by Dr. James Doty, CCARE Stanford University begins with compassion and ends with love, resulting in the Golden Rule found in all world religions.

These beads come in shades of brown and a color version (see photos below).

About the Brown Beads

About the Color Beads

To order compassion beads, click here

To learn more about compassion beads, visit: Compassionate San Antonio