Psychology Day at Northwest Vista College

November 13, 2024

Unlock Your Mind at the 18th Annual Psychology Day at Northwest Vista College

Psychology Day 2024

Join Northwest Vista College for the 18th Annual Psychology Day from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 13 outside Live Oak Hall. The event includes a guest speaker, interactive and informative booths, and research poster presentations.

During the event, students and faculty will have interactive demonstrations and information tables where attendees can learn about the study areas and the overall field of psychology. Booth topics include stress, happiness, sex, personality, sensation, perception, and more.

“Psychology Day is so fun and has such a great festival-type vibe,” said NVC Psychology professor Liz Wright, Ph.D. “The whole campus comes out to learn and connect with psychology. Students can even learn about psychology as a major if they’re interested.”

Guest speaker Dr. Amy Bohmann will introduce students to the field of experimental psychology and will share her unique perspectives on the intersections of romantic relationships, including dating apps and attraction, and political psychology from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in DWWC 214. Dr. Bohmann is a leading expert in Experimental Psychology with a focus on Social Psychology.

Students who participate in the event can earn experiential learning (EL) credits in AlamoEXPERIENCE for their non-academic transcript.

Northwest Vista College (NVC), part of the Alamo Colleges District, is federally designated as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), an institution of higher learning with a full-time equivalent undergraduate student enrollment that is at least 25% Hispanic. As of Fall 2023, NVC’s Hispanic student enrollment is 66.2%. The college opened in 1995 with 12 students and has grown to one of the largest institutions of higher education in San Antonio and the region with current enrollment over 20,000 students. Located in Westover Hills, NVC’s expanding agreements with business and higher education partnerships provide a wealth of opportunities for students and the community.