1. Complete the Back on Track Canvas Course
The Back on Track Course is a free, mandatory course that helps students understand more about Academic Probation and develop strategies to achieve academic success. Each module in the course is designed to help the student plan, strategize and develop ways to get them back on the right track. There are many resources for students both on and off campus that can help them refocus on their education. This course will go into detail about how and where you can find these resources. Students are enrolled in the course during their probationary semester and are required to complete the course in order to be eligible for the enrollment once the registration period begins.
Students who do not complete the course will not have their registration hold waived until after final grades post and academic standing is reviewed. This could delay your ability to enroll in classes for several weeks.
2. Meet with their Assigned Certified Academic Advisor
All students on academic probation are required to connect with their assigned advisor to discuss their academic progress. In addition, you will complete your Action plan with your assigned advisor and submit through the Back on Track course.
3. Submit Midterm Progress Reports
All students on academic probation are required to have their instructors submit progress reports regarding their progress in current courses. Instructors will submit the Progress Report online. They must be submitted by the deadline in order and show you are passing your classes with a "C" or higher to be able to have your registration hold waived. The progress report link is provided to you in the Back on Track course.
4. Earn a Semester Institutional GPA of 2.0 or Higher
In order to continue being able to enroll in classes, your semester institutional GPA has to be a minimum of 2.0 or higher each semester. This is a "C" average in all classes. Your overall institutional GPA may still be below 2.0 but as long as your semester institutional GPA meets the minimum requirements, it shows that you are making academic progress.