Stay engaged with your college as a fully online student

June 8, 2021

Between family needs, work schedules, and course assignments, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is checking in with your college. Luckily, keeping up with the news and events at one or more of our Alamo Colleges doesn’t require much time, and the benefits—from receiving important reminders to learning about college or community events—are definitely worth the effort. While there are many ways you can stay engaged, here are three to help you get started:

SocialMedia.png Social Media

Follow your college on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and consider following the Alamo Colleges District as well. Social media platforms are easy to use and require minimal effort to maintain once you set up your accounts. Each of our five Alamo Colleges, including the Alamo Colleges District, uses social media to post upcoming enrollment and payment deadlines, as well as announce financial aid dates and promote student-focused events. Plus, it can provide additional opportunities to ask questions and connect with other students.

Email.png Email

Check your College email account at least twice a week. You can expect your instructors and administrators to rely on email to communicate with you about your course and schedule changes, as well as updates regarding your personal financial aid information. While social media is used for general announcements, your college email will include messages directed specifically to you, so it’s critical that you keep an eye on your inbox.

Alert.png Emergency Alerts

Finally, make sure your phone number is current in ACES to receive emergency alerts for urgent updates related to weather and safety or if you are at risk of being dropped from a course due to non-payment. By keeping your phone number up to date on your student ACES portal, you can stay on top of fast-moving situations happening at your college.

Online learning at our Alamo Colleges is flexible and allows you to complete your coursework on your time, but it is still important to stay engaged with your College. When you follow social media, check your college email regularly, and ensure your phone number is current, you will have the tools you need to stay informed and enhance your academic experience.

Get the support that's made for you

AlamoONLINE Enrollment Coaches can:

• Help you start the application process

• Guide you in the enrollment process for fully online courses

• Connect you to registration with a college advisor

• Refer you to services available to online students

Contact us today.


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