
Adopted April 25, 2017 

ARTICLE I - Name and Address 
The name of this organization shall be the San Antonio College Adjunct Faculty Council and shall hereafter be referred to as the Council. 

ARTICLE II - Mission and Purpose 
The San Antonio College Adjunct Faculty council focuses on the following goals: increasing the visibility and participation of the SAC adjunct faculty in the college community; encouraging activities which support adjunct faculty interaction to promote professional development and interaction with the full time faculty; providing a voice for adjunct faculty on issues affecting the community of students, faculty, administration, and classified staff; and pursuing fair, equitable working conditions and pay for adjunct faculty. Furthermore, the Council provides a forum through which matters of concern to adjunct faculty may be discussed and recommendations formulated and advocated to college and district bodies with the purpose to strengthen the adjunct voice. 
We believe that by accomplishing these goals, we will enhance our most important mission-the education of students. 

ARTICLE III - Composition 
Section 1.    The general membership shall include part-time and full-time adjunct faculty and Continuing Education adjunct faculty employed at San Antonio College. 
Section 2.    Adjuncts from any department can serve as representatives. 
Section 3.    The SAC President or an appointed designee will advise the Council. 

ARTICLE IV - Qualifications 
To serve as Council members, adjuncts must met the following requirements: 
1.    Commit to serving a minimum 1-year renewable term. 
2.    Exemplify good character and conduct themselves in a professional and collegial manner in all Council related activities. 
3.    Have taught a minimum of two semesters at SAC. 

ARTICLE V - Terms of Office 

The regular term of office for the Chair, Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, and representatives of the Council shall be one year with no limit on the number of terms.

ARTICLE VI - Duties of Members

Section 1. All Council members shall 
A.    Exemplify good character and manifest conduct that reflects positively on the Council and San Antonio College. 
B.    Attend and participate in regular council meetings and executive sessions. 
Section 2. Duties of the Officers: The Council shall select three officers: a Chair, Vice Chair, and a Recording Secretary from the representatives. 
A.    Chair: The Chair shall fulfill the following duties: 
1.    Preside at the regular Council meetings and executive sessions; 
2.    May cast a deciding vote in the event that Council representatives are evenly divided on an action issue. 
3.    Represent the Council as needed. 
4.    Shall ask another member to represent the Council in the event that the Chair is unable to represent the Council. 
5.    Set the agenda for Council meetings with the assistance of Council members and the advice of the President or appointed designee. 
6.    Appoint members of the Council or of the general membership for special committees or tasks as needed with advice and consent of a simple majority of the Council present. 
B.    Vice Chair: The Vice Chair will conduct these activities: 
1.    Preside over Council meetings in the absence of the Chair. 
2.    Maintain order at all meetings according to Robert's Rules of Order. 
C.    Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall fulfill these duties: 
1.    Keep minutes of regular Council meetings and Executive Sessions. 
2.    Submit a typed copy of the minutes to the Chair within ten (10) days after each meeting and email a copy to all representatives. 
3.    Provide the approved minutes of the regular Council meetings to be posted on the appropriate electronic site for adjuncts. 
4.    Maintain a current list of Council membership including name, email address, and telephone number. 
5.    Preserve in a file all records of value to the Council to include a chronological file of all minutes. 
Section 3. Duties of Representatives: Representatives shall fulfill these duties: 
A.    Actively seek adjuncts to serve on committees as needed. 
B.    Come prepared for Council meetings. 
C.    Provide an alternate from the constituency when unable to attend a Council meeting and notify the Chair before the meeting. The alternate shall vote as the Representative's proxy. 
Dismissal of a Council officer or representative shall occur only upon the most serious of concerns to include, but not limited to, the following: 
A.    Failure to fulfill the duties, to attend meetings, or to provide an alternate. (See Attendance Policy Addendum) 
B.    Failure to observe policies set forth in the Council Bylaws. 
C.    Ending employment at San Antonio College as an adjunct. 
Dismissal shall take place during the Council meeting in executive session called by the Chair 
for that purpose. After discussion of the reason(s) for dismissal, the Council shall vote with a simple majority required to dismiss. 

Section 1.    The Chair, Vice Chair, and Recording Secretary shall be elected by the Council representatives at an executive session by majority vote. 
Section 2.    If an officer or representative can no longer fulfill his or her duties, he or she will present a letter of resignation to the leader of the appropriate Constituency requesting that he or she make a new appointment to complete the term of office being vacated. To preserve full representation on the Council, the constituency leader shall fill a vacancy within 30 days after the resignation. 

Section 1.    Council meetings shall be conducted according to the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Council. 
Section 2.  Executive Session Meetings 
A.    Executive sessions of the Council are closed to all but Council members. Advisers to the Council may attend, if requested by the Council. 
B.    Executive Sessions shall be called by the Chair. 
Section 3. Regular Council Meetings 
A.    Meetings are open to all San Antonio College adjuncts, guests, and the media. 
B.    Meetings shall be determined by the Council. 

The Council shall have the following standing committees. The Chair may create additional committees and subcommittees as needed: 
Section 1.    Policy and Governance Committee: This committee and any subcommittees will explore issues of concern to adjuncts, develop and propose methods by which such issues might be addressed. 
Section 2.    Professional Development and Recognition Committee: This committee helps plan, prepare, and implement activities to increase the overall effectiveness of adjuncts as professional educators and will extend support and recognition of adjunct achievements. Members will also encourage adjuncts to participate in San Antonio College professional development opportunities.Section 3.    Bylaws Committee: 
A.    Interpretation of the Bylaws: This committee shall assist the Council in the interpretation of any part of the Bylaws which is called into question. 
B.    Amendments to the Bylaws: In the event of a proposal for amendment, the committee will examine the amendment and present recommendations to the Council as appropriate. 

Section 1.    Any proposal to amend the Adjunct Faculty Council Bylaws or to adopt new Bylaws shall be presented to the Council at a regular Council meeting. 
Section 2.    Adjuncts shall be notified of the proposed amendments at least two weeks before the Council acts on Bylaws changes. 
Section 3.    The Chair shall put the proposed revision(s) to the Bylaws on the agenda under New Business for discussion at a regular Council meeting. 
Section 4.    The Chair shall call an Executive Session of the Council to vote on the proposed 
Bylaws revision(s). 
Section 5.    Proposed amendments must receive a simple majority affirmative vote for adoption. 

These Bylaws shall go into effect immediately upon approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the 
Council representatives present. 
Attendance Policy Addendum 

This policy is intended to support full contribution of all elected or appointed adjunct faculty representatives on the San Antonio College Adjunct Faculty Council (AFC). All adjunct faculty representatives will receive a copy of this official policy. The policy is reviewed once a year. The policy has been reviewed and authorized by the Adjunct Faculty Council. 

Definition of an Adjunct Faculty Council Attendance Problem
An adjunct faculty council member attendance problem occurs when the representative member has three consecutive absences without previously notifying the AFC Chair. The absences reference the representative's attendance to the traditional nine AFC meetings and/or functions sponsored by the adjunct Faculty Council, i.e., the annual Adjunct Faculty reception held at the beginning of the fall semester. 

Adjunct Faculty Council Attendance Problem
If an elected/appointed adjunct faculty council member attendance problem exists regarding a member, the AFC Chair will promptly contact the member to discuss the problem. The member's response and the Chair's decision will be shared by the Chair with the entire AFC at the next AFC meeting.