
Welcome to our Virtual Wait Line Management System

  • Do you have enrollment questions for the Admissions Office?
  • Do you have questions about registration for the Admissions Office?
  • Do you have technical support questions for the Student Mega Lab?

If you have answered "YES" to any of the questions listed above, you can still stop by the Admissions Office (FAC 216) or visit the Student Mega Lab (MLC 502), however, you no longer have to wait in line! Simply use QLess to join a Virtual Queue for the Admissions Office or Student Mega Lab. Take control of your day, so you can do the things you need.

QLess is a "virtual" line where students can reserve a spot via the internet or text via phone without physically lining up in front of the Admissions Office or the Student Mega Lab.

Once you enter your information, you will receive an alert via phone advising of the following: 

  • An estimated time to be seen
  • An opportunity to ask for more time if this estimation does not work with your schedule
  • An update when you are approximately 15 minutes away from being seen

Three Ways to join a Virtual Queue:

Click Here

via Phone:
Text "SAC" to 619-639-1212

via Campus Info Kiosk:
Select "QLess SignIn"

QLess Service Hours

Admissions Office

Mon/Wed/Thur/Fri: 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Tuesday: 2:00PM - 7:00PM

Student Mega Lab

Monday-Friday: 8:30AM - 4:30PM

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Queue should I join?

This will depend on the service you require. If you have enrollment questions, join the Admissions Office Queue. If you require technical assistance, join the Student Mega Lab Queue.

Do I need any special technical equipment or software?

All you need is a cell phone with texting capabilities or a computer station/ kiosk with internet access. Note: QLess works with all cell phones.

What are my Service Queue Options?

Admissions Office:

  •  Name Change
  •  Submit official transcripts
  •  Primary Institution/Home College Change
  •  Major/Program Change
  •  Submit Bacterial Meningitis Documents
  •  SSN Correction
  •  OTHER

Student Mega Lab:

  •  ACES Support
  •  Email Support
  •  Canvas Support
  •  MS Office Support
  •  Multimedia Support
  •  Registration Support
  •  Printing Support
  •  Scanning Support
  •  Technology Consulting
  •  Other
How do I join the queue?
  1. Join the queue by cell phone or local kiosk:
    • Cell Phone: text “SANANTONIOCOLLEGE” or “SAC” to 619.639.1212 
    • Kiosk - click here
  2. Once you are at the QLess Homepage, click the screen to begin. You will be prompted to enter your cell phone and then your name. Note: If you do not have a cell phone, click the “No Phone” button and type in your name.
  3. When prompted, select the appropriate department and service needed. Check the service that best fits your issue or select “other”. 
  4. Once you have entered a line you will either see your name with the estimated time to be seen or receive a text on your phone with that information.
Will I be dropped from the Queue?

QLess will not drop your reservation. You have to send it a command to be removed from the line. If you do not respond within 15 minutes when summoned, you will become expired and may rejoin the queue at the front of the line. If you do not respond again, you will no longer be guaranteed a position in the virtual queue.

How do I get information about my placement in the “Virtual Line”?

Got a phone? Receive Alerts for:

Estimated Wait times

  • Example: Thanks! Your estimated wait is now 33 min. We’ll let you know when you reach the front.
  • Commands you can send: “S” – Status update, “L” – Leave, “H” - Help

Status updates

  • Example: San Antonio College: There are 2 students ahead of you in line. Your estimated wait is now 19 min.
  • Need more time than that? Reply with “M”.

Confirmation of more time requested

  • Example: Thanks! Your estimated wait is now 29 min. We’ll let you know when you reach the front.

If you need even more time, just reply with “M” followed by the # of additional min you need (for example, “M 20” if you need 20 additional min.)

Alert for 15 minutes or less

  • Example: Status update from Admissions office: Not ready yet, but your est. wait is 13 min. Please head back as soon as possible. Need more time? Reply with “M”

You’ve reached the front!

  • Example: Thanks! You’ve reached the front! Please proceed to FAC-216-Window D & tell them your phone number. Need more time? Reply with “M”.

Phone commands:

“S” = Send status update If you want to know information regarding number of people are in the virtual line before you and updated estimated time, then text “S”. 
“M” = More time needed

If you need more time before you can report to the department’s Service Desk, then reply with “M”.

If you need even more time, just reply with “M” followed by the # of additional min you need (for example, “M 20” if you need 20 additional min.)

“L” = Leaving virtual line If you no longer wish to maintain your reservation in the Virtual Queue, then text “L”. 
“H” = Help If you need assistance regarding your reservation, text “H”. 
“J” = Re-join the virtual line

If you have left the Virtual Line or become expired by not reporting to the department’s Service Desk within 15 minutes of receiving the alert, then you need to text “J” to rejoin the virtual line and you will become 1st in the Queue. Note: If you don’t rejoin within 15 minutes, you are not guaranteed any placement in the Virtual Queue line.

Example: Sorry, we still haven’t heard back from you, so we had to give your spot to someone else. You have 2 min to rejoin the front of the line – reply with “J”.

No Phone...No Problem!

  • You will see your name in the Virtual Queue on the screen at the local kiosk
  • Wait in the common area to be called or prompted on the kiosk screen
  • Be sure to regularly check Queue screens for status updates.
  • If you leave and miss your name, you will not be able to maintain your spot in the Virtual Queue after 15 minutes of being summoned to report for service.
Can others use my number to join the queue?

Your phone number is in the database and associated with the name used. If you change the name associated with the phone number then it will be updated in the system and replace the original name in the Virtual Queue holding any current reservations. Each time you reenter the phone number, it will pull your associated name up to save you time if you need to get back into a virtual line.

How is my phone number protected?

Although your phone number is stored in the database, it is not fully visible to any of the service attendants. They will only be able to verify the last 4 digits of your number. Also, QLess does not sell or allow numbers to be spammed by QLess or any third parties. Please see the QLess Privacy Policy for more information and security measure to protect your information: http://qless.com/about/privacy/ 

Who do I call for technical assistance?

For technical support issues, contact:

San Antonio Help Desk: 210-486-0777

QLess Support: 877-QLESS-SOS (877-753-7776) from the US, or at +1-920-321-1234 from any other country.