
Showing 181 - 190 of 242 results

Graduation Eligibility and Graduation Steps

In order to officially graduate from San Antonio College, students must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Grant Information

San Antonio College - Early Childhood supports the participation of low-income parents in post-secondary education through the provision of campus-based childcare services.


The MegaLab provides SAC students the space and resources to complete class work. Staff with specialized knowledge of operating system and key software applications are on hand to assist students with troubleshooting needs.

Advising Resources

Contains a list of useful resources you may need as you meet with your advisor this semester.

Veterans Center

Process and details for Veteran admissions at the Veteran's Center in Northeast Lakeview College.

Contact Us

Listing of addresses, phone numbers for the NLC campus and Virtual Welcome Center

Book Loan Programs

This is the web page for Book Loan Program, Laptop Loan Program and Calculator Loan Program.