
Showing 221 - 230 of 242 results


St. Philip's College is committed to providing a supportive learning environment and to fostering, safe, healthy relationships among our students.

Student Onboarding

Student Onboarding invites you to explore the possibilities at St. Philip's College.

Petition for Overload

This policy sets that institutions should not allow students to enroll in more credits than the number of weeks in the semester to ensure success - this page is about how a student can petition for overload...

Second Academic Dismissal

A 2nd Academic Dismissal occurs when students who were on first Academic Dismissal are not successful in the petitioning semester...

Third Academic Dismissal

A 3rd Academic Dismissal occurs when students who were on 2nd Academic Dismissal are not successful in the petitioning semester...

Standards, Petitions and Appeals

Academic probation and Academic Dismissal are part of a process that could have serious consequences.