Scholarship Bowling Tournament

Date: February 24–March 2, 2025

Location: MLK : Turbon Student Center: Tiger Lanes

  • College, St. Philip's College, Calendar, Featured, Faculty & Staff, Students, Alumni, Community, App-Calendar, App-Calendar-SPC Students

022425-ScholarshipBowlingTournament-781x518.jpgJoin us for our Scholarship Bowling Tournament, Feb. 24 - 28 and Mar. 1.
This event is open to students, faculty, staff and general public. Entries are $5 per person or $25 per team. For more information, visit

Dates: Feb. 24 - 28 and Mar. 1
Times: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Saturday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: MLK: Turbon Student Center (TSC) Tiger Lanes