SPC Hosts Virtual CultureFest & Rib Cook-off
June 16, 2021
To help ensure the community’s health and safety, the St. Philip’s College CultureFest & Rib Cook-off will be hosted virtually during the 2021 Fiesta season. St. Philip’s joins the San Antonio community to encourage the Fiesta spirit through a line-up of virtual events that will lead to a live stream of this year’s Rib Cook-off winners. Virtual events include a Show Your Medals Contest, Fiesta Reflection Activity, and a Grill Raffle.
For 26 years, the CultureFest & Rib Cook-off event has been a signature celebration for San Antonio’s Eastside during the Fiesta season. The event, hosted on the St. Philip’s College MLK Campus, draws thousands of attendees annually and continues to be one of SPC’s largest fundraisers contributing to student scholarships.
The annual support and participation of the San Antonio Community during the Fiesta season allow St. Philip’s College to take part in celebrating the heritage of San Antonio and the cultural influences of St. Philip's College. St. Philip's represents one of San Antonio's most historically distinguished and ethnically diverse institutions in higher learning.
We encourage you to participate in this year’s event by visiting the CultureFest & Rib Cook-off website at: https://www.alamo.edu/spc/calendar/20212/june/culturefest-2021/
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