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SPC Proud Student: Samantha Castillo
November 1, 2023
SPC Proud student Samantha Castillo shares her experience from her program of study in the Business & Entrepreneurship Alamo Institute.
October 30, 2023
The St. Philip’s College Southwest Campus was buzzing with excitement as 700 high school students took part in the 12th annual Monster Tech event on Friday, Oct. 20.
Dr. Loston Appointed as Commissioner
October 30, 2023
St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston was appointed by the President Biden Administration as a Commissioner to a White House Initiative.
St. Philip's College ECHS Student Spotlight : Leah Hernandez
October 24, 2023
St. Philip's Early College HS Student Recognized for being Among Small Group Participating in NASA Program.