Faculty Senate

Philosophy Statement

The Faculty Senate seeks to create, maintain, and protect a collegial environment conducive to the growth of scholarship, learning, teaching, research, service, and respect for human dignity and rights.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Faculty Senate is to advocate for and lead faculty in fulfilling their responsibilities in the shared governance of the college and to represent faculty interests to college and community stakeholders.

The Faculty Senate will establish itself as an efficacious champion of academic quality, as the authority for the delivery of instruction, and as a source of advice and support for college and district administration.


The Faculty Senate values:

  • academic quality
  • academic freedom
  • academic integrity
  • creative and responsible inquiry
  • thought and expression in an atmosphere of civility and respect
  • effective and open communication
  • the rights and shared responsibilities of students, staff, community, faculty, and administration
  • helping students achieve their academic goals in a dynamic learning environment 


The Faculty Senate is comprised of three officers and 16 senators from throughout the College. View members.  


Faculty Senate meets regularly, and the meetings are open to the public unless the Senate goes into Executive Session. 

Spring 2025 meetings are from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the following Fridays:

Jan. 24
March 21
April 25
May 9

Visit the SAC Faculty Senate AlamoShare site for meeting locations.

Important Links

SAC Faculty Handbook

Adjunct Faculty Handbook

Faculty Development site

SAC Faculty Senate Bylaws 

SAC Faculty Senate AlamoShare site


Standing Committees


The mission of the curriculum committee is to provide proactive leadership on all academic matters at San Antonio College and the Alamo Colleges District. In addition, this committee seeks to engage stakeholders and conduct research in order to make qualified recommendations through Faculty Senate.



The mission of the research committee is to make the SAC Faculty Senate aware of national, state, and local trends important to the membership and college community.  The research committee will evaluate internal and external news, the ACCD budget and faculty compensation, scholarly research, and other information to support the goals and objectives of the SAC Faculty Senate.

Elections and Surveys

The mission of the elections and surveys committee is to plan and conduct regularly scheduled elections each academic year. This committee also plans and conducts other elections and surveys as requested by the Faculty Senate.

Policy and Procedures

The mission of this committee is to research, clarify, and communicate current policies and procedures to the Faculty Senate and College. The committee may recommend the creation of new policies and/or procedures. The committee may recommend changes to current policies and/or procedures.  


The purpose of this committee is to promote communication within the faculty and between the faculty and other groups. In addition, this committee fosters transparency and clarity to faculty regarding the work of Faculty Senate in collaboration with our administration as well as district initiatives.