Computer Labs

Lab Location (Bldg/Rm)



Chance Academic Center (CAC) 258


(210) 486-0077

Chance Academic Center (CAC) 350


(210) 486-0860

Gonzales Hall (GH) 118, 122

English Success Center

(210) 486-0697

Gonzales Hall (GH) 203

Writing Success Center

(210) 486-1433

McCreless Hall (MCCH) 119 & 124C

Math Success Center

(210) 486-0240

McCreless Hall (MCCH) 135 & 137


(210) 486-1298

Moody Learning Center (MLC) 107

Career Readiness & Experiential Opportunities Office

(210) 486-0864

Moody Learning Center (MLC) 502  

Student Mega Lab

(210) 486-0160

Moody Learning Center (MLC) 7th Floor

Academic Success Center

(210) 486-0165

Nail Technical Center (NTC) 122

Computer Information Systems

(210) 486-1050

Nursing and Allied Health Complex (NAHC) 338

Allied Health 

(210) 486-1052

Oppenheimer Academic Center (OC) 307


(210) 486-1414

Student Mega Lab Reservations

There are several computer classroom labs available for instruction on the 5th floor of the Moody Learning Center building (MLC). If you are interested in reserving a computer lab for a class with reoccurring time throughout the semester, please select the Computer Lab Reservation Form. If you have any questions, please contact 486-0160 or send an email to