Student Emergency Aid

Student Emergency Aid

The Alamo Colleges District and its family of colleges—Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, St. Philip’s College and San Antonio College—have, like everyone around the globe, been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has caused the district and colleges to make some difficult decisions to ensure the health and safety of our community.

Learn More About Our Operational Changes

However, even in these unprecedented times, the district’s mission is unchanged: to remain focused on student success and access, putting students first and empowering the community.

To support our students through this crisis, Alamo Colleges District has established Student Emergency Aid to provide emergency resources for students who need temporary assistance.

This overarching program of financial relief for students is made up of several different funds including:

  • the Federal Emergency Aid (CARES Act, CRRSAA, and ARP)
  • the Alamo Colleges Foundation’s Student Impact Fund
  • the colleges’ Advocacy Centers
  • 0
    ALAMO COLLEGES grants provided via HEERF FUNDS
  • 0
    of those students are students with dependents
  • $0
    Total Dollars in Student Emergency Grants Awarded
    ($72.9 M from Student Grants + $10.3 from Institutional and Minority Serving Grants)

Federal Emergency Aid

Eligible Expenses
textbooks200x200.png Purchase Textbooks  
Phone Icon Access Technology Needed to Support Remote Learning 
Fork and Knife Icon Buy Groceries
House Icon Pay Rent or Utility Bills
Apple Icon Pay Healthcare Expenses
Heart Icon Pay Childcare Expenses
Letter Icon Tuition and Outstanding Balances

In order to assist all students who are eligible to receive funds under the various federal emergency aid packages provided to us, the Alamo College District leadership made the decision to act and provide a one-time payment of $200 to all students enrolled for the Fall 2021 semester on or before August 5, 2021.

Eligible students who do not receive aid under this first distribution of one-time payments can submit an application for Federal Emergency Aid as outlined below.

Allocations to each individual college for student emergency aid were determined by the U.S. Department of Education.

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Grants under all federal aid programs are based on emergency costs that arise due to the coronavirus. The funding is not tied to existing financial aid programs such as Pell Grants and can be used by students for any component of the cost of attendance at the colleges.

Student eligibility requirements for all Federal Emergency Aid are based on guidance and criteria provided by the U.S. Department of Education.

Student Aid Icons


To be eligible for Federal Emergency Aid students must:

  • Be or have been enrolled full or part-time in the semester for which you are requesting funds


How to Apply for Federal Emergency Relief Funds

The Federal Emergency Assistance Application is now closed.

If you still need emergency assistance, please contact one of the colleges’ Student Advocacy Centers through the Alamo Colleges Advocacy Helpline at 210-486-1111.

Follow these steps:

  • Log into the ACES portal using your Username and Password
  • Select the ‘Student’ option from the sidebar menu
  • Select the ‘Web Services’ link
  • Select the ‘Financial Aid’ tab
  • Click on ‘Federal Emergency Assistance Application’ from the list of options
  • This will open an Adobe Sign page
  • Follow the prompts to complete the application


Federal Emergency Aid FAQs

What if a Student Doesn't Meet the Qualifications Listed for the Federal Emergency Aid?

If a student doesn’t meet the qualifications for federal emergency aid, the student may qualify for other emergency aid:

Additional Assistance:

Student Impact Fund & Advocacy Centers

To apply for other available emergency aid, please contact one of the colleges’ Student Advocacy Centers through the Alamo Colleges Advocacy Helpline at 210-486-1111.

Operating Hours for the Advocacy Helpline

Monday – Thursday:
8 a.m. – 7 p.m.

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

First Saturday of the month:
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.