Exams for College Credit
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CLEP Testing
San Antonio College provides the opportunity for students to obtain college credit in areas that they may have attained college-level proficiency through the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). CLEP testing is available at SAC for Alamo Colleges students and for the community.
CLEP exams help students earn college credit and save time and money toward a degree. When students take the CLEP test for a certain course, they can receive credit and are exempt from that class. By successfully completing the CLEP test, students can reduce the time and money needed to reach their career and educational goals. CLEP exams are available in introductory business, English, foreign languages, history, social sciences, science and mathematics courses.
Learn more here: CLEP Brochure
Free CLEP Preparation and Testing
Modern States Education Alliance™ is a non-profit dedicated to college access for all. Modern States offers free, high-quality online courses taught by college professors that prepare you for virtually all of the major AP and CLEP exams, which are well-established and widely accepted.
After you complete the coursework and practice questions on the Modern States website, request a CLEP voucher code. Modern States will reimburse the cost of your CLEP exam when you request a Test Center Reimbursement.
CLEP exams allow you to test out of introductory courses and move to more advanced courses sooner, saving time and money toward your degree. Students take multiple-choice CLEP exams in a variety of available subjects at official testing centers such as San Antonio College. Each exam takes 90 – 125 minutes to complete, depending on the subject. Scores are available immediately upon completion (except for essay-based tests). Many resources are available to help students prepare for CLEP exams.
Please review SAC’s CLEP Exam Policy before registering for a CLEP exam.
Then complete the following steps to register for your exam. Please note that all registration and payment must be completed online.
- Complete the online CLEP registration process at https://clep.collegeboard.org/. PLEASE NOTE: Your name on the CLEP Registration Ticket must match your State or Federal ID.
- Alamo Colleges students should not purchase the Spanish with Writing CLEP, if planning to take a Spanish CLEP Exam.
- Choose "San Antonio College" as your test site (SAC Test Center Code: 6645)
- Pay the $95.00 exam fee online to CLEP to complete your registration.
- Print your "CLEP Exam Registration Ticket.” You will need this on the day of your test appointment.
- Pay the $20.00 non-refundable administrative fee via our virtual business office at Alamo Colleges Marketplace. If payment is not received before your appointment, your appointment will be canceled. San Antonio College Students ONLY: If you used Modern States, skip this process and schedule your CLEP appointment.
You can schedule your CLEP test date online by clicking CLEP APPOINTMENTS. You will need your CLEP Ticket Number and payment invoice number to complete your appointment. We do not register anyone over the phone or via email. Please note that paying the fees does not automatically sign you up for the CLEP test.
You will receive an email confirming your appointment.
Registration closes the day before the scheduled test date.
Testing with Accommodations (Extended Time)
Students with accommodations CLEP/ TEAS/TSI must contact San Antonio College Student Accessibility Services at 210-486-0020 prior to taking the test. Student must provide approved accommodation letter to SAC's Assessment Center at least one week prior to the exam. Approval by SAC's Student Accessibility Services will be required prior to scheduling.
Additionally, all examinees who require extended time must complete the Accommodation Testing Request Form below to test at San Antonio College-Assessment and Testing at least one week prior to the desired exam date.
CLEP/TEAS/TSIA2 exams vendors require documentation of a disability in order to provide an administration with testing accommodations.
Students will need to arrive at the testing lab at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment for signing in and seating assignments.
Those arriving late will NOT be allowed to test. Students who do not show up for their appointment must pay the $20.00 non-refundable administrative fee to reschedule.
You are allowed 90 minutes per CLEP Exam (or up to 125 minutes for essay-based exams).
What to bring:
- You will need to provide your printed CLEP Registration Ticket.
- Your name on the CLEP Registration Ticket must match your State or Federal ID.
- A current, valid ID is required. Acceptable forms of identification include a valid driver's license, valid state ID, military ID or a current passport. Expired documents are not allowed.
- San Antonio College Students ONLY: Print and bring your Modern States voucher.
What not to bring:
- No calculators are required. An online scientific calculator will be available on exams requiring one.
- Electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, MP3 players and smart watches, etc. are not allowed inside the testing room. Anyone carrying any of these items will not be allowed into the testing room.
If you do not have a Government Issue ID, the CLEP Student ID Form can be used as a substitute for up to three testing attempts.
CLEP credit is awarded only after the student has successfully completed 6 regular college credits at one of the Alamo Colleges. Students may not earn more than 45 total hours from any testing equivalency source. You cannot register for the CLEP exam if you are currently enrolled in the same course you wish to receive CLEP credit.
Test takers may not repeat an exam of the same title within 3 months of the initial test date. If you retake the exam within the 3-month period, your administration will be considered invalid, your scores will be canceled, and any test fees will be forfeited.
For exam descriptions, study material, or an official score report, please visit College Board or call 1-800-257-9558.
For questions or more information regarding the CLEP exam at San Antonio College, visit our office in the Fletcher Administration Building (FAB) in Room 102, email us at sac-assessment@alamo.edu, or call (210) 486-0444.
AP, CLEP and IB Credits
If you have earned college credit through College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examinations in high school, through the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, here’s what you need to know to apply credits to your academic record at San Antonio College.
- All credits must meet the Credit by Exam Score Policy for AP, CLEP and IB at San Antonio College. Click Here to view AP/CLEP/IB Credit Policy
- Send your official AP score report or CLEP exam scores from College Board to San Antonio College. Please note that the College Board takes 10-14 business days for score reports to be mailed to institutions.
- Official International Baccalaureate (IB) transcripts will need to be on file at San Antonio College.
- No college credits will be awarded until the student has successfully completed at least six (6) hours of course credit from any of the Alamo Colleges. Students can be granted a maximum of forty-five (45) hours of non-course-based credit.
- Credit hours earned by examination and/or awarded through non-traditional means will be posted as “CR” on your transcript and will not be included in a student’s GPA computation; however, the semester credit hours are counted for graduation.
- Credit by exam may not be awarded for a course given a grade. Exceptions:
- If withdrawn from course before census, credit by exam may be awarded,
- If withdrawn from course after census, must wait six months from last day of that term.
- If you have completed the above requirements, complete the form below: