Contact Us

San Antonio College is committed to being responsive to students’ various needs. Below are some ways to contact us.

College Address

San Antonio College
1819 N. Main Ave
San Antonio, TX  78212

Important Phone Numbers
and Contact Information

When calling any of the numbers listed, please have the following information readily available:

  • Last four digits of SSN
  • Date of Birth
  • Banner ID

Student Hotline: 21-ALAMO (210-212-5266) or 1-844-20-ALAMO (1-844-202-5266)

Alamo Colleges Advocacy Helpline: 210-486-1111

Alamo Colleges Student Contact Center: 210-212-5266

SAC Information Technology Helpdesk: 210-486-0777 

Title IX (resource guide, including confidential reporting): 210-486-0926

Weather Line (for weather-related closures): 210-485-0189

Risk Management: 210-486-0876

Alamo Colleges Police Department (ACPD): 210-485-0911 (emergency) or 210-485-0099 (non-emergency)

ACPD also provides students, faculty, and staff with access to SafeZone, a free mobile app that connects users with ACPD in the event of an on-campus emergency.

Through SafeZone, users can securely send their location, request assistance, and communicate directly with ACPD. Students and employees can set up an account using their or email address.

Download the SafeZone app to your moble device through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

To look up a specific individual, please use the Alamo Colleges District Directory. 

Search Directory 

Frequently Used Email Addresses

Enrollment Office:

Financial Aid:


International Students:   

Office of Student Records: 

President's Office:

Marketing and Strategic Communications:

Risk Management:


Student Life:

Technology Services:

UPS Store:

Empowerment Center:

Hours of Operation

Admissions    Business Office    Student Financial Aid    Continuing Education

Regular Fall & Spring

Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.