

Create new dance routines. Rehearse performance of routines. May direct and stage presentations.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+0 %

Annual Wage Range

$13,592 – $124,022

Perform dances. May perform on stage, for broadcasting, or for video recording.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+1 %

Annual Wage Range

$26,645 – $77,402

Teach or instruct individuals or groups for the primary purpose of self-enrichment or recreation, rather than for an occupational objective, educational attainment, competition, or fitness.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+2 %

Annual Wage Range

$19,193 – $102,096

Program Level:





Creative & Communication Arts



What is the Dance program?

Dance is one of the oldest art forms in human existence and has been a part of rituals and performances since prehistoric times. As a form of creative expression, there is a tremendous amount of variety within the discipline and it can accommodate a wide range of artistic interpretation within formal genres such as ballet, modern, world, and more. In many ways, the discipline of dance, as a performing art, uses the human body as an instrument to communicate in ways that words cannot.

What will I learn?

The dance program prepares students for transfer to four-year universities with a combination of courses that explore the cultural and historical meanings of the art form and its aesthetic value, with particular attention to various meanings conveyed through choreographed or improvised movements. In addition to dancing, students learn anatomical knowledge to avoid injury. Students receive technical training and performance experience while gathering an appreciation for one of the world’s oldest art forms.

What can I do with this course of study?

The dance program supports students' creative awareness by exploring the historical, critical, and cultural aspects of various dance types, and understanding their relationships to other art forms. For majors, students will understand mechanics of the body as applicable to choreography in dance and will develop knowledge and skill in one or more areas of dance. Dance majors may work in the field as performers, choreographers or teachers. A dance major can also lead to careers in related fields, such as arts administration, dance or movement therapy and non-profit management.

What's special about our program?

The dance program boasts experienced professors, using innovative techniques to help students learn the art of dance. With sufficient training, dancers often combine performing with teaching or turn to teaching after their career as professional dancers are over. The program holds regular performances at the college, in the 1,004-seat McAllister Fine Arts Center, and the more intimate 176-seat McCreless Theater.

Dance majors may work in the field as performers, choreographers or teachers.


Contact Us

Dr. Jonathan Lee
Dean for Academic Success and
Acting Chair
FAB 309
(210) 486-1097


Kerri Morgan
Discipline Coordinator for Performing Arts
LSC 220
(210) 486-0267

Mandy Derfler
Academic Unit Assistant
MLC 636B
(210) 486-0258