
Program Level: Degrees, Pre-Majors/Transfer
Department: Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Studies
Institute: Science & Technology
College: SAC

What is the Psychology program?

The Psychology Program offers quality undergraduate education that advances psychology as a science, promotes human welfare, and fosters students' growth and development for those seeking to earn associate degrees and those desiring course credit transferable to other colleges and universities.

What will I learn?

Psychology students spend a great deal of time learning about research methods and statistics, which can be an important skill in a wide variety of careers. Learn how to record, organize, analyze and interpret data.

What can I do with this course of study?

A psychology degree can open the door to a variety of careers and is a great way to learn more about yourself and others. The job outlook for psychology majors is good. Earning a psychology degree can allow you to make a difference in people's lives. Psychologists, counselors, therapists, and community services workers devote their time and energy to helping people overcome adversity, increase their well-being and realize their full potential. The student will acquire such skills as analyzing data, communicating complex information, and understanding human behavior, all highly prized by employers.   Here is a guide for pre-professional psychology opportunities for students:

 What's special about the program?

Curricula in which students can learn about psychology in multiple settings: classrooms that use computer and multimedia technologies, blended and online delivery, field experiences, and co-curricular programs (e.g., Psychology Club and Psi Beta Club) and through formal and informal contacts with faculty and student peers. Quality transfer-level courses go toward the Associate of Arts and can also transfer to four-year universities under 2+2 programs. Courses are taught by highly qualified and experienced faculty that set clear and high expectations for students, promote active learning, and give students systematic assessment and feedback on their progress.

A psychology degree can open the door to a variety of careers
Degrees and Certificates
Career Path in Psychology

Resources for learning and professional development within the field of psychology.

Contact Us

Lisa Coronado
CAC 303
(210) 486-1094

Beatrice Canales
Academic Unit Assistant
ECSB 206
(210) 486-0526