High Impact Practices

Are you a HIPster?

Click HERE if you're willing to share what's working in your class!


Welcome to High Impact Practices at San Antonio College. In 2019 a group of SAC staff, faculty, and administrators attended the AAC&U 2019 Institute on High-Impact Practices and Student Success. As an extension of that experience, this website has been designed to help SAC faculty and students explore High Impact Practices and integrate them into the learning experience at San Antonio College.

Basic High-Impact Educational Practices with examples and definitions:


High-Impact Practices (HIPs) are educational practices that research has shown to increase rates of student retention, student engagement, and persistence to graduation for all students across diverse backgrounds. Faculty are strongly encouraged to utilization one or more of these HIPs whenever possible in order to improve active learning. This page provides a brief overview of the basic HIP approaches along with examples of how they may be incorporated into course designs.

Common Elements of HIP strategies

  • Requires student effort and commitment to learning
  • Helps students build substantive relationships with peers and faculty
  • Helps students engage one another across differences thus challenging students to develop new ways of thinking and responding to new people and situations
  • Provides students with rich, useful feedback helping them to see feedback as a tool for growth and improvement
  • Helps students apply what they are learning and adapt the information to new situations
  • Affords students the opportunity to self-reflect and become aware of themselves as a person as well as encourages life-long learning

Reference: Kuh, G.D. (2008). High-impact educational practices: What they are, who has access to them, and why they matter. Association of American Colleges & Universities.

Invitation for Participation:

Faculty Participation: If you are a faculty member who has incorporated innovative strategies to help improve student success, engagement, and retention then we want to hear from you. The button below will direct you to a form where you can upload information that can be shared among your faculty colleagues at San Antonio College.

HIPs Faculty Survey

Student Participation: If you are a student who has taken a class where your professor has incorporated innovative strategies to help improve student success, engagement, and retention then we want to hear from you. The button below will direct you to a form where you can upload information that can be shared with other faculty members at San Antonio College. 

HIPs Student Survey