Student Leadership & Organizations

Leadership and Activities 

Throughout the year, the Office of Student Life offers dozens of ways for students to get involved on campus. Join one of our many Student Registered Organizations if you'd like to help us plan, promote, and create events for your community.


Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the voice of the students. SGA works to bridge the gap between the student, the faculty, and the administrators. SGA represents students in various ways: serving on campus-wide committees, sponsoring events that allow students to know what administration offices do, and speaking at the Board of Trustees meetings on behalf of students. 

SGA Updates

SGA meetings

Meetings are located at Fletcher 212 on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, except during the holidays and breaks. For more on agendas, minutes and information log on to your Alamo Experience.

Honor Societies

Student Clubs & Organizations

Registered student clubs and organizations (RSO) are student groups formed through the Office of Student Life whose members work towards a common purpose. Registered organizations receive funding through San Antonio College and/or college-approved fundraising activities, and must maintain a current charter, a district agency fund account, a minimum of five active members, and at least one faculty or staff advisor.

For more information, please visit Alamo Experience for a list of current SAC Student Clubs and Organizations. 

If you are interested in starting a new club, you can submit at application to Coordinator- Student Success, Roxanne Barrera at

RSO Application: Application Form