Running in a Winter Wonderland
December 13, 2018
SAC Student Government Association holds holiday-themed fun run to benefit President’s Fund
The temperatures were not exactly chilly and there was no snow to be seen anywhere, but that didn’t stop the Student Government Association (SGA), from hosting the first ever Winter Wonderland Fun Run at San Antonio College, a merry way to enter into the holiday season (who wants to run in snow anyway).
The run was a fundraiser to support President Robert Vela’s Fund for Non-Academic Support.
The SGA spent a good portion of the fall semester planning for the event that took place the first Saturday in December. Students worked at publicizing the fun run, ordering shirts and medals for participants, and decorating the course that crisscrossed around the campus. Students from the Asian Pop Society and members of the Campus Activities Board volunteered to help with the event.
The SGA also had a DJ playing music on the SAC mall and gave the participants hot dogs, chips, oranges, and apples after they finished. In keeping with the theme, there was also hot chocolate bar.
The SAC community was invited to either run or walk through the course, which was a little under two miles. About 50 people signed up for the event.
Days later, the SGA presented Dr. Vela a check for check for $522. In addition, the SGA also donated $56 to a children’s charity.
“We feel the event went great!” said Karen Ortiz, president of SGA. “This was the first time we did something like this and many lessons were learned, but the event itself was rewarding, fun, and successful. Our SGA felt a sense of pride when it came time to deliver the donation to Dr. Vela.”